Measures for Influenza Response.

Alive or not, we’re committed to Alife.
Alife wants to do our best to safeguard everyone against COVID-19, seasonal Influenza and create a safe living space for you.

From our very first project, we have kept a close watch on the pandemic. The safety and health of every single one of our colleagues and partners was our primary concern in the process. And we pledge to follow all the guidelines and regulations issued by Central Epidemic Command Center, Nation Health Command Center (CECC).

All the facilities at the Alife headquarter office, Alife FL and Alife WCH are equipped with stringent hygiene and protection measures to provide all our guests a safe environment.

Let us create an ideal life with peace of mind together. 

・Alife management team

All the office spaces, areas for collaboration, are corridors and hallways between these areas are cleaned and disinfected comprehensively.

There is also an upgrade on use and frequency of hygiene and disinfection supplies. Alcohol disinfection spray stations are also set up in the higher traffic areas.


・Safety for residents and visitors

Upgraded efforts on cleaning and sanitizing Alife FL, Alife WCH overall area, public areas and other relevant areas.

Maintain social distances in elevators, hallways and all public areas.


For the latest Covid-19 measures, please visit the Ministry of Health and Welfare website at:

Alife Special Project|【Maybe More than Second-Hand Store】

With collectors, fashion life style editors, store owners and shopaholics, this has to be a very different re-use object market place.

Alife believes there should be more than one side of your life. There should be more possibilities: More possibilities of you and living. So are objects. At the end of this pandemic summer, Alife presents a wild and fun market place for re-use objects. All residents are invited for this fun event. Every object will find more possibilities because you are here!

New form of second-hand object market place + No-hold-back goodies from stall hosts

For the 【Maybe More Than Second-Hand Store】invites a lineup of heavyweight collectors, fashion editors, trendy store owners and shopaholics to handpick their favorite objects for the market place. It’s more than shopping for second-hand goodies. It’s more about shopping for great tastes. 36 stall hosts across different fashion industries have brought out their best collections for you:

Fashion blogger Yutopia brought us luxurious fragrances, accessories and her favorite boyy handbag; Nanci Chen from JUKSY brought her favorite shoes, sunglasses and necklaces; ELLE Life Style Deputy Director Coco is a novice at flee markets all over the world. She offered vintage candleholders, illustration books and Hermes shoes for her stall. Co-founders of plain-me - Akko and Tim offered their multifunctional PM pouches and uniqlo x keith haring plate set. Onwer of CAFE ACME on F1 of Alife FL also showcased accessories from Acne Studios, Lanvin, and JUUN.J.

Apart from tasteful second-hand objects, more rare surprises will be waiting for the right owners: Kevin and Yuan, cofounders of Eye Candle put out a set of butterfly specimen and singing bow; Matt from Banchiao’s cool breakfast joint hoochuu displayed a set of his treasured Silent Service manga set; Chang Chi Hot Pot’s owner Mickey Chen offered figurines of rock stars and Japanese Daruma figures… as well as a vision test lamp table… all these were emptied within 30 minutes!

All kinds of goodies. Unexpected surprises. From cast iron pots to perfume, from vintage handbags to dinosaur figures, from candle holders to instant noodles that were used as offerings at the temples. No limits. Even stall hosts had a good time shopping.

Goodies Surprise Eggs: “Maybe” vs “Maybe Not”

Besides grabbing for those super cool reuse goodies, Alife also organized the “themed objects” for this event by inviting the stall hosts to pick one “You May Like” and “Surely You Won’t Buy” objects. The recommendation lists promise to be good.

In light of the pandemic and in compliance with the guidelines regarding Covid-19, the market place takes a new form without the presence of the stall hosts. Number of people will be monitored at the event.

Maybe More than Second-Hand Store = Platform of interaction between people and between people and objects

At the call of Alife and stall hosts, the first week of the event attracted a large crowd. Some of the residents and members from the community came everyday. Some came as far as from Kaohsiung just not to miss out from the event.

Mr. Yin, a resident who has lived in Shilin for more than 30 years came on the first day. He told us: “There were lots of brands I never heard of before. That was so interesting. I bought some perfume for my wife.” During the second week, he brought his wife and daughter too. Ms. Yeh who traveled from overseas heard about the event from her friends. “And I found a purse I had been looking for for a long time.” A freshman in college, Doris said: “I have been following some of the stall hosts on instagram and read about the event. Can’t believe there are so many great items!”

Some of the objects were gone on the first day. The hosts stocked up almost every day. In the 6 days over two weekends, more than 1400 objects were sold with nearly 2000 visitors. The exchange between these reuse objects and their new owners, the event became a platform of interaction.

Promoting Positive Cycles Together

Through this project, all the objects find new value, new identitiesm new visions, whatever their conditions. We will do so too.【Maybe More than Second-Hand Store】is more than a platform for the exchange. It also works with Dream City Building Association (台灣夢想城鄉營造協會). 10% of the proceeds will be used to help the children who are struggling at deep end of livelihood so they will move on to find new possibilities.

In the spirit of being environmentally friendly, we will not provide shopping bags. Please bring your own bags. Alife has collaborated with Plastic Project in this joint project. With any purchase, Alife resident members will receive a “A Plastic Project Forgot the Bag” by showing the room key card. A.P.P Forgot the Bag is made with 100% recycled plastic. We wish every object has different possibilities because of you!

Back by popular demand, the【Maybe more than second-hand store vol.2 】will be held at the end of 2021. For more details, please keep on the lookout for our latest event at Alife Facebook fan page and our Instagram page.

Line up of Stall Hosts

Sure this can’t be! Golden lineup

  • Fashion blogger/Fashion magazine editor in chief|Yutopia
  • Breakfast Innovative CEO a.k.a. hoochuu CEO|Matt
  • plain-me co-founder|Akko
  • plain-me co-founder|Tim
  • EYECANDLE founders|Kevin and Yuan Cheng
  • CAFE ACME founder|Spinle
  • Chan Chi Hot Pots Lab store manager|Mickey Chen
  • Taipei Mr. Ko|Chia Yang Ko

【Ask me what’s a hip second-hand market place】makes another appearance!

  • JUKSY fashion editor|Nanci Chen
  • HYPEBEAST editor|Noel
  • GQ fashion editor|Lorry
  • POPBEE editor|Ellen Wang
  • Virtual Curator|Shang Lei Wen
  • Gung Lok Boss|Ken
  • Fashion model|Joanne

Editor and his friends

  • Senior media expert|Su Xiao Tsai
  • ELLE life style deputy director|COCO HUANG
  • Former Vogue deputy director/Fashion stylist/fashion editor|Anny Ting
  • Former Elle life style editor|Fin Pan
  • ELLE senior fashion director|OR HUANG
  • Alife Brand Director|Cathy
  • Vogue features editor|詹又又
  • Vogue senior fashion director|Tiff Lu
  • GQ brand sales executive/Dr.美圖秀秀|席席席
  • GQ fashion editor|Amberchiuchiu
  • ELLE beauty director|Sandy
  • BEAMS ecommerce manager|Ann
  • Street dance instructor|Funky Hao
  • DJ|Wilson
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